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Emergency Services Show

Emergency Services Show

Alma Medical will be officially launching the Oxford HELP® for emergency healthcare at the forthcoming Emergency Services Show. The Oxford HELP® is now established as an essential device for optimising the airway in the hospital setting including the operating department, A&E, ICU,...

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Interventional Neuroradiology

Interventional Neuroradiology

Alma Medical announce the launch of their first patient positioning device for neuroradiology. The NR2 is a dedicated support device designed to perfectly position the patient during dynamic CT myelography and digital subtraction myelography. Interventional radiologists will be able to...

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The Oxford HELP® quiz

The Oxford HELP® quiz

Don’t forget to answer the Oxford HELP® quiz and Alma Medical will send you a free e-certificate for your CPD portfolio. You can scan the quiz QR code on your phone or fill in the questions at

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Education Pack

Education Pack

Elk Oxford HELP®-systeem wordt geleverd met volledige gebruiksinstructies en een gratis educatiepakket. Deze uitgebreide bron geeft artsen en studenten alle informatie die ze nodig hebben om de Oxford HELP® veilig en effectief in te zetten voor elke patiënt. Het legt gedetailleerd de reden uit...

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Oxford HELP® Limited Edition

Oxford HELP® Limited Edition

For the first time in the history of the Oxford HELP®, Alma Medical is issuing its famous yellow elevation pillow in a limited edition operating room black. This medical grade cover has all the same characteristics as the original: durable, hypoallergenic, x-ray translucent, seamless,...

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Oxford HELP QR Codes

Oxford HELP QR Codes

The Oxford HELP® now comes with QR codes for easy access to device information via your smartphone. A dedicated code takes you to the full instruction manual explaining how to deploy the elevation pillow in multiple clinical environments, its physiological effect; as well as the cleaning...

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Oxford HELP® makes print again

Oxford HELP® makes print again

De Oxford HELP® is door de jaren heen in veel publicaties vermeld als het ultieme hoofdkussen voor obstetrische, obstetrische en moeilijke luchtwegpatiënten. vestigt de aandacht op de belangrijkste bijdrage die de HELP® levert aan verloskundige algemene anesthesie: het opnieuw afstemmen van de patiënten op een...

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Oxford HELP®-hoofdsteun

Oxford HELP®-hoofdsteun

A dedicated intubation pillow. The Oxford Headrest is well known as an integral part of the Oxford HELP® elevation pillow. In the last few years however, it is increasingly being used alone as an alternative to the standard ward pillow. The Oxford Headrest provides a reliable anatomical...

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Oxford HELP® Obstetric Lateral Wedge

Oxford HELP® Obstetric Lateral Wedge

This wedge is an adjunct to the Oxford HELP® range which can be used effectively to avoid inferior vena cava compression by the gravid uterus in the later stages of pregnancy and as early as twenty weeks. Patients can often feel insecure with a table tilted to a requisite angle to avoid...

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The Versatility of the Oxford HELP®

The Versatility of the Oxford HELP®

Life at Alma Medical has been getting back to some sort of normality with great relief thanks to the astounding UK vaccination programme. Demand for the Oxford HELP® however hardly diminished despite the restrictions placed on NHS services including elective surgery. More and more...

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Assortiment Oxford-gevoelige kussens

Assortiment Oxford-gevoelige kussens

ICU patients with COVID19 have brought the subject of proning to the fore in the last twelve months. It is well documented now that patients suffering from ARDS as a complication of COVID can experience an immediate improvement from being proned including increased lung recruitment and...

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Oxford HELP® Recycling Programme

Oxford HELP® Recycling Programme

Alma is proud to offer hospitals a unique recycling programme for all elevation pillows. No other medical device company is currently making such an environmentally conscientious contribution to the problem of hospital device upgrade and disposal. Perhaps your pillows are showing signs...

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