Head Elevating Laryngoscopy Pillow
Instruksjoner for bruk og produktserie
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Oxford HELP® Medical Device information
Oxford HELP® Introduction
Oxford HELP® Moving and Handling
Oxford HELP® Positioning the Patient
Oxford HELP® Supporting the Patient’s Arms
Oxford HELP® Sets A, A Plus, B, C and D
Oxford HELP® Oxford Prone Pillow Range, Obstetric Lateral Wedge and NR2
Oxford HELP® Components
Oxford HELP® Accessories
Oxford HJELP® Medical Device Information
Les instruksjonene og rengjøringsprotokollene før bruk.
Oxford HJELP® and all Alma Medical patient support devices are X-RAY translucent.
Oxford HJELP® and all Alma Medical patient support devices are free of natural Latex.
Oxford HJELP® and all Alma Medical patient support devices are safe for use in magnetic resonance imaging procedures.
Ikke la skarpe gjenstander nær Oxford HELP® or any Alma Medical patient support device.
Oxford HJELP® is registered as a class I non-sterile medical device with the MHRA in the United Kingdom.
Oxford HJELP® and all Alma Medical patient support devices are manufactured by Alma Medical Products Ltd in the UK.
Alma Medical is a trading name of Alma Medical Products Ltd, Alma Foam Converters Ltd and AMP Radiology Ltd.
Declarations of conformity and absence are published in the Compliance Documentation provided.
Cleaning and decontamination protocol is provided with each component and includes the component LOT number. These should be filed in the folder provided and kept with the device.
Oxford HJELP®Introduksjon
Pasienten har en BMI på 49,2 og er konvensjonelt plassert på en sykehuspute.
Luftveien er feiljustert fordi:
- Det er en bratt gradient mellom tragus og bakbenet.
- Den tyromentale avstanden reduseres.
- Cricoid-rommet er redusert og tilgangen er vanskelig.
Pasienten er nå plassert på Oxford HELP®og luftveien er nå optimalisert og justert.
- Gradienten mellom tragus og sternhakk er nær 0º.
- Den tyromentale avstanden har økt.
- Cricoid-rommet har økt og tilgangen er lettere.
Kliniske bruksområder:
- Overvektige pasienter
- Vanskelige luftveier
- Raske sekvensinduksjoner
- Regional anestesi
- Spontan respirasjon
- Intensiv, beredskap, gjenoppretting og radiologi
- Obstetriske pasienter *
Clinical Locations:
- Operating department
- Gjenoppretting
- Day surgery
- Obstetric units
- Kardiologi
- Intensive care
- Accident & Emergency Medicine
- Radiologi
Kliniske fordeler:
- Forbedret laryngoskopi
- Enklere manuell ventilasjon
- Normal ventilation pressures
- Høyere FRC og Vt
- Little or no O2 drop during apnoeic events
- Reduced respiratory effort
- Økt pasientkomfort
- Lavere risiko for aspirasjon
- Enkel tilgang til cricoid
- Ergonomic working area
* Keisersnitt pasienter, nødstilfelle og valgfrie, kan plasseres på Oxford HELP®. I tilfelle plutselig konvertering
fra regional til generell bedøvelse, er pasienten allerede optimalt plassert på Oxford HELP®. The table may require temporary justering for å oppnå et tilfredsstillende nivåav blokken.
Oxford HJELP® Moving and Handling
- Oxford HJELP® may stay in place during surgery. Abdominal surgical access is not impeded.
- Oxford HJELP® must not be used as a transfer aid. Lateral tension must not be applied to the seams. This will damage the device and invalidate the guarantee.
- Pasientstøtter, fester og stropper må brukes for å stabilisere pasienten
4. Maximum lateral tilt 15°.
4. Maximum Trendelenburg 22°.
6. Hvis pasienten er i tvil,stopp og sjekk.
Oxford HJELP® is designed to stay in place from pre-induction through PACU/ Recovery.
How long the patient should stay on the pillow is a clinical decision informed by the needs of each individual patient. If the Oxford HELP® Base Pillow has to be removed from an unconscious patient, extreme care must be taken with adequate numbers of staff attending.
Oxford HJELP®Plassering av pasienten
Place the Oxford HELP®Basepute på operasjonsbordet.Tegn / skyv laken skal ikke plasseres over puten.
Support the back of the Oxford HELP®Basepute under pasientposisjonering.
Place the Oxford Headrest as shown, positioning to base of neck.
Align shoulder with Oxford HELP®Basepute pil.
If the airway position is not optimised, consider using the Oxford HELP® Plus Pillow for further elevation.
Oxford HJELP® Supporting the Patient’s Arms
Disse støttene er lagt til dine eksisterende operasjonsbordarmkort. De er designet for å holde armene på nivå med den forhøyede overkroppen for å unngå plexus av plexus på bortføring.
OXH400 Oxford HJELP®Sett B er inngangsnivåsystemetsupplied with Oxford Arm Supports and Oxford Sinus knee support.
Remove the pad from your existing arm board.
Place the Oxford Arm Support on the board.
Place the Arm Straps provided around the arm board, support and patient’s arm.
Juster stroppene til de fester armene komfortabelt.
* Stram ikke stroppene for hardt.
The Elevating Arm Table provides a complete arm support solution for any procedure requiring abduction of the arms, especially one utilising the Oxford HELP®.
The longer bar of the Elevating Arm Table means it can be securely raised to the top of the Oxford HELP® Base Pillow or the Oxford HELP®Pluss pute som trygt støtter pasientens armer. Stengene på disse støttene passer til ethvert eksisterende operasjonsbord og klemmer.
OXH1071 Elevating Arm Table
Clamp the Elevating Arm Table level with the top of the Oxford HELP®Basepute.
Plasser OXH191 armbånd som følger med, rundt armstøtten og pasientens arm.
Juster stroppene til de fester armene komfortabelt.
* Stram ikke stroppene for hardt.
Oxford HJELP® Sets B and C can be customised by exchanging OXH762 Oxford Arm Supports for OXH1071 Elevating Arm Tables or the OXH1580 Extra Large Arm Retainers, 4 times larger than standard arm supports.
Oxford HJELP® Sets A, A Plus, B, C and D
Oxford HJELP® Set A OXH300
For all high BMI, obstetric, difficult or compromised airways in operating rooms, ICU, A&E and other clinical locations.
Oxford HJELP® Set A Plus OXH350
For higher BMI patients (typically 50+). The set includes the Oxford HELP®Plus Pillow, en ekstra pute hvis ytterligere høyde er nødvendig for å oppnå en optimalisert luftvei.
Oxford HJELP® Set B OXH400
Optimal set for obstetric and general anaesthesia where arm abduction is required. The Oxford Sinus knee support improves
patient comfort and prevents risk of neural injury from hyperextension of the knee.
Oxford HJELP® Set C OXH500
Oxford HJELP® Set C OXH500 For higher BMI patients (typically 50+) who require arm abduction and knee support, Set C is the most versatile set.
Oxford HJELP® Set D OXH600
For hyper obese patients. This system includes all supports to facilitate optimum airway management and protection of vulnerable areas. Oxford Cuneo scapula supports are also provided to help prevent risk of neural injury to the brachial plexus (fig 2).
Oxford HJELP® Sets A, A Plus and B are supplied in a waterproof soft deployment bag, OXH3000.
Oxford HJELP® Sets C and D are supplied in a hard-shelled wheeled deployment case, OXH6000.
*Photographs are not to scale, dimensions supplied on request.
Oxford Prone Pillow Range
OXH297 Standard,OXH397 Large and OXH497 Large Extra Wide
For patients requiring prone positioning in general surgery, ICU and radiology. Wipe-clean and lightweight.
Obstetrisk lateral kile
Provides accurate 15º lateral tilt for obstetric patients. This versatile patient positioner also provides perfect positioning for transvaginal ultrasound scans, especially when using a non-tilting examination couch.
Twin pack OXH2197
Oxford NR2 Neuroradiology Pillow
The NR2 provides interventional radiologists with perfect positioning during dynamic CT myelography and digital subtraction myelography.
Supplied in a waterproof soft deployment bag, OXH3030
*Photographs are not to scale, dimensions supplied on request.
Oxford HJELP®Komponenter
Oxford Headrest OXH189
Hygienic, dedicated intubation pillow, the optimal alternative to ward pillows.
Oxford Headrest OXH3189
Value pack for equipping multiple clinical areas.
Oxford HJELP® Base Pillow OXH193
Oxford HJELP® Plus Pillow OXH186
Oxford Arm Supports OXH762
Arm Straps OXH191
Oxford Sinus OXH195
Oxford Arm Supports Plus OXH200
These versatile pads can be placed on the Arm Supports for extra elevation, or used to protect any anatomical area vulnerable to pressure-related trauma.
Oxford Cuneos OXH392
These scapula supports can be used to protect any anatomical area vulnerable to pressure-related trauma.
*Photographs are not to scale, dimensions supplied on request.
Oxford HJELP® Accessories
Elevating Arm Table OXH1071
Extra Large Arm Retainers OXH1580
Standard Arm Retainers OXH1380
Tube Holder OXH1600
22mm and 15mm
Wheeled Deployment Case OXH6000
Soft Deployment Bag OXH3000
Oxford HJELP® and selected components now come with QR codes
*Photographs are not to scale, dimensions supplied on request.
Alma Medical kan produsere alle typer pasientstøtteenheter som er laget i henhold til dine spesifikasjoner.
Call us on +44 (0)1865 760424 or email info@almamedical.com and tell us your requirements.
Oxford HELP® er referert i mange lærebøker,
UK obstetriske GA-algoritmer og NAP4.
Alma Medical provide educational posters and booklets with all our products.
Ring vår pedagogiske hjelpetelefon på +44 (0) 1865 594300 for mer informasjon.
En tryggere bedøvelse, hver bedøvelse
For mer informasjon ring +44 (0) 1865 760424, e-post info@almamedical.com